You can probably tell I strongly dislike Valentine's Day. Guess what I'm going to do... have a good dinner tonight and brunch with my family, do some homework and then watch the Olympics. No heart shaped chocolates, dozens of roses, jewels or even a suiter for me! NOPE! It's Single Awareness Day tomorrow and I'm going to do the complete opposite of Valentines day just in spite :D No, I'm not jealous, but I mean whats the point? Its a waste of time and money! It's a day to tell your "special someone" that well... they are special. So you waste hundreds of dollars on dinner, or expensive jewellery or roses or chocolate or, or, or....
I think it would be more special if you were giving/given gifts on some random day of the year, instead of expecting them tomorrow! But anyway.... since I'm in the spirit of making Valentine's for my family and YoungER Singers (who LOVED! their heart Valentines) I made a special one for you! I hope the Korean is writen properly, I haven't had much practice! The translation is written in red under the hearts.
I think it would be more special if you were giving/given gifts on some random day of the year, instead of expecting them tomorrow! But anyway.... since I'm in the spirit of making Valentine's for my family and YoungER Singers (who LOVED! their heart Valentines) I made a special one for you! I hope the Korean is writen properly, I haven't had much practice! The translation is written in red under the hearts.

Happy "Single Awareness Day" to you dear daughter of mine.
I do agree that random acts of love are 1000 times better than the commercialisim of Valentine's Day. Mind you going out to eat never hurt anyone ((grin)) & I'll greatly enjoy Dad's & your company.
XOXOXO every day not just on SAD.
Hey Beck, let's just call it LOVE awareness day, shall we? And guess who I love??? YOU!!! Joon says it's a big 'thumbs up!' to your translation...
Sending lots of love from the east...!
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