Here are the things I have done:
#65. Successfully organize and help run Fun in the Sun.
#75. Finish reading Stephan Kings “Dome Day” and start Dan Browns “The Lost Symbol”.
#93. Start the day with a brisk walk with my father… even in the winter! (mind you we walk in the mall... )
and part of #14 Do whatever I want to my hair! ** I want it thinned, relaxed with a blue streak and BANGS.
I Have Bangs! I straightened my hair today because I was curious on what short, straight hair looked like on me. Some of the pieces are short enough for side bangs! Is this considered SKILL? I think so! So what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Compair it too my curly hair on the side bar --> which do you prefer?

And yes, for those who are extremely curious, I am wearing my nightshirt :D Its 9:52 pm and I was really excited, so I took some pictures and made this blog post. My mom isn't too fond of the bangs... so they probably won't stay...LOL. But it was worth a try aye!?
On another note, please pray for my mommy, she's been VIOLENTLY ill the past two days. Everything she has eaten has been porgectiled out one end or the other :P She did managed to keep some tea, toast, and white rice down for dinner tonight. Thanks bunches!
Oh my!! I love it, really really, AND the bangs! Super cute! I also love your curls, but this is nice for a change - I think the bangs suit your face well.
Agreed. I like the bangs! You're beautiful, Becky.
I like your bangs. I think it's neat you can alter your hair-style. THAT is skill.
Hope your Mom's feeling better.
Take Good Care,
Ms Lu
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm these pics of your bangs are OK but I bet everyone would have said NO WAY had they seen them with hair tied back.
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