My local mall allows fellow Lindsay residents to walk its halls before it officially opens. So at 7:30am my family gets up and goes for a brisk morning walk, each lap around the mall equaling to 500 meters or 1/2 km. Oh, did I say brisk walk, I meant more of a gradual meandering... LOL! Most of the people there are 5 times my age and they walk 10-20 laps! I have successfully accomplished 5 laps! Thats 2.5 km people! I'm very impressed! I hope to get up to 10 or more laps by the end of March.
The weather here has been FANTASTIC! The high 50's (18 degrees!), perfect for gardening weather. Now that we have an whole acre of property, there is a lot of maintenance to catch up with. In the past week we have taken about 30 leave bags and about 6 trees to the local dump! Many of those trees were sawed by moi :D Oh yah, I'VE GOT THE POWER! My dad did chainsawed some of the more difficult trees....LOL. But of course, it couldn't last. Today is the First Day of Spring, and what do you know, its 2 degrees and snowing. HAHAHA, how Ironic :P
I did go on one trip during March Break. My youth group went to some popular religious sites in Ontario: Martyrs Shrine (dedicated to martyrs of the Catholic Faith); Carhagouha, site of the first Catholic Mass in Ontario; St. Louis, the site of the capture of martyrs St. Jean de Brebeuf and St. Gabriel Lalemant; and St. Ignace the site of the actual martyrdom by the Iroquois Indians. Story of the Martyrdom (readers are cautioned, its graphic)
On the bus :D

Monument for the 12th Station of the Cross at Martyrs Shrine

Georgian Bay
Cross at Carhagouha
Other cross.... Yes I am that short!